Diskussion:TOGAF-Phase B

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Schritte der Phase B - IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur

Wichtige Hinweise: zu den Schritten der IVS-Architekturentwicklung in den Phasen B, C und D

Step TOGAF Tailoring for ITS-Architectures Instruction Artefacts {C=Catalog, M=Matrix, D=Diagram}, O=Other Deliverables Recommendation for ITS-Reference Architectures Recommendation for ITS-Architectures of real ITS-Services
1 Selection  of means, views and tools for the presentation of the Business Architecture Selection of means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture Means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture
Background information and techniques
Presentation of ITS Value-added chains and networks
Presentation of ITS-Governance
Presentation of ITS-Business processes
Project-specific solutions Selection of means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture of a ITS category service Selection of means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture of a specific ITS-Service
2 Description of the initial situation  of the Business Architecture Description of the initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture Initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture Project-specific solution (where available or required) Description of the initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture for the ITS-Category (where available) Description of the initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture for the specific ITS-Service (where required)
3 Description of the Target Business Architecture Description of the Target-ITS-Business Architecture Target-ITS-Business Architecture Description of the Target-ITS-Business Architecture for the ITS-Service Category Description of the Target-ITS-Business Architecture for the specific ITS-Service
4 Implementation of a Gap-Analysis Implementation of a Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture Project-specific solution Implementation of a Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture of the ITS-Service Category Implementation of a Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture of the specific ITS-Service
5 Festlegung von Kandidaten für die Architektur Roadmap Festlegung von IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur-Kandidaten für die IVS-Architektur-Roadmap IVS-Geschäftsarchtekturkandiaten für die IVS-Architektur-Roadmap
Hintergrundinformationen und Techniken
Roadmap für IVS-Architektur
Anlegen der IVS-Architektur-Roadmap für die IVS-Dienstekategorie Anlegen der IVS-Architektur-Roadmap für die IVS-Architektur des spezfischen IVS-Dienstes
6 Klärung der Auswirkungen auf die gesamte Architekturlandschaft Klärung der Auswirkungen der IVS-Geschäftsarchitekturkandidaten der IVS-Architektur-Roadmap auf die gesamte IVS-Architekturlandschaft (Ebenen der IVS-Pyramide) Auswirkungen von IVS-Architekturkandidaten der IVS-Architektur-Roadmap auf die gesamte IVS-Architekturlandschaft Bestandteil der IVS-Architektur Version 1.0 Klärung der Auswirkungen der IVS-Geschäftsarchitekturkandidaten der IVS-Architektur-Roadmap auf die gesamte IVS-Architekturlandschaft der IVS-Dienstekategorie Klärung der Auswirkungen der IVS-Geschäftsarchitekturkandidaten der IVS-Architektur-Roadmap auf die gesamte IVS-Architekturlandschaft des realen IVS-Dienstes
7 Durchführung eines formalen Stakeholder-Reviews Durchführung eines formalen Stakeholder-Reviews für IVS-Geschäfstarchitektur Formales Stakeholder-Reviews für IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur Bestandteil der IVS-Architektur Version 1.0 Durchführung eines formalen Stakeholder-Reviews für die IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur der IVS-Dienstekategorie Durchführung eines formalen Stakeholder-Reviews für die IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur eines realen IVS-Dienstes
8 Finalisierung der Geschäftsarchitektur Finalisierung der IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur Finalisierung der IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur Bestandteil der IVS-Architektur Version 1.0 Finalisierung der IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur für die IVS-Dienstekategorie Finalisierung der IVS-Geschäftsarchitektur für den realen IVS-Dienst



Anlegen der Dokumentation für die Architekturdefinition Anlegen des IVS-Architekturdefinitionsdokuments IVS-Architekturdefinitionsdokument Bestandteil der IVS-Architektur Version 1.0 Anlegen des IVS-Architekturdefinitionsdokuments für die IVS-Dienstekategorie Anlegen des IVS-Architekturdefinitionsdokuments für den realen IVS-Dienst




Step 1 2 3 4
TOGAF Selection  of means, views and tools for the presentation of the Business Architecture Description of the initial situation  of the Business Architecture Description of the Target Business Architecture
Implementation of a Gap-Analysis
Tailoring for ITS-Architectures Selection of means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture Description of the initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture Description of the Target-ITS-Business Architecture Implementation of a Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture
Instruction Means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture
Background information and techniques
Presentation of ITS Value-added chains and networks
Presentation of ITS-Governance
Presentation of ITS-Business processes
Initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture Target-ITS-Business Architecture Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture
Artefacts {C=Catalog, M=Matrix, D=Diagram}, O=Other Deliverables Project-specific solutions Project-specific solution (where available or required) Project-specific solution
Recommendation for ITS-Reference Architectures Selection of means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture of a ITS category service Description of the initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture for the ITS-Category (where available) Description of the Target-ITS-Business Architecture for the ITS-Service Category Implementation of a Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture of the ITS-Service Category
Recommendation for ITS-Architectures of real ITS-Services Selection of means, views and tools for the presentation of the ITS-Business Architecture of a specific ITS-Service Description of the initial situation of the ITS-Business Architecture for the specific ITS-Service (where required) Implementation of a Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture of the specific ITS-Service Implementation of a Gap-Analysis for the ITS-Business Architecture of the specific ITS-Service