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Develop a Baseline Description of the existing Business Architecture, to the extent necessary to support the Target Business Architecture. The scope and level of detail to be defined will depend on the extent to which existing business elements are likely to be carried over into the Target Business Architecture, and on whether architecture descriptions exist, as described in 8.2 Approach. To the extent possible, identify the relevant Business Architecture building blocks, drawing on the Architecture Repository (see Part V, 41. Architecture Repository).

Where new architecture models need to be developed to satisfy stakeholder concerns, use the models identified within Step 1 as a guideline for creating new architecture content to describe the Baseline Architecture


  • betrachtet die Strategie, die Aufbauorganisation, die Geschäftsprozesse und die Geschäftsfähigkeiten (Business Capabilities) der IVS-Wertschöfungskette/des IVS-Wertschöfungsnetzwerks


  • ist Betandteil der IVS-Geschäftsarchtektur und Ergebnis der IVS-Geschäftsprozessmodellierung.